REMARCResponsible Management Research Center

Our goal is to conduct an inter-disciplinary research on companies' responsible management practices and on sustainable development policies. We seek to have an impact on managers and on policy makers at local, national and international levels. We train future managers and other stakeholders to care about society, the environment and human rights.

Latest News

New Publication: Clearing the smog ceiling: The impact of women’s political empowerment on air quality in European regions

Vicente Rios, Izaskun Barba, Lisa Gianmoena and Pedro Pascual have published their...

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Making it right
New Publication: Making it right: socio-environmental conditionalities in regional industrial policies

Elisa Giuliani has published her new article “Making it right: socio-environmental conditionalities...

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Intellectual property
New Publication: Are intellectual property rights working for society?

Carolina Castaldi, Elisa Giuliani, Margaret Kyle and Alessandro Nuvolari have published their...

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Call for interest: PhD Scholarship Business and Human Rights

Research Topic: Human rights violations by companies are at the heart of...

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