Vicente Rios, Izaskun Barba, Lisa Gianmoena and Pedro Pascual have published their new article “Clearing the smog ceiling: The impact…
Elisa Giuliani has published her new article "Making it right: socio-environmental conditionalities in regional industrial policies" in Progress in Economic…
Carolina Castaldi, Elisa Giuliani, Margaret Kyle and Alessandro Nuvolari have published their new article "Are intellectual property rights working for…
Vicente Rios, Mercedes Beltrán-Esteve, Lisa Gianmoena, Jesús Peiró-Palomino and Andrés J Picazo-Tadeo have published their new article "Quality of government and women's…
Giulia Romano and Lucio Masserini have published their new study "Pay-as-you-throw tariff and sustainable urban waste management: An empirical analysis…
Yannick T. Wiessner, Elisa Giuliani, Frank Wijen and Jonathan Doh have published their article "Towards a more comprehensive assessment of…
Elena Bruno, Giuseppina Iacoviello and Caterina Giannetti have published their article "Bank credit loss and ESG performance" in Finance Research…
Giulia Romano has been awarded the teaching grant "Progetti speciali per la didattica" by the University of Pisa for her…
Verdiana Morreale and Elisa Giuliani have published their article "Saving the planet is not for everybody: A model of CEOs'…
Matteo Villa is the author of chapter "Cambiare o traccheggiare? Politica e lavoro eco-sociale, transizione ecologica e la sfida della…