Assessing efficiency of urban waste services: a new publication

A new publication by Giulia Romano and co-authors in Journal of Cleaner Production.

“Assessing efficiency of urban waste services and the role of tariff in a circular economy perspective: An empirical application for Italian municipalities”


This empirical study investigates the efficiencies of urban waste systems in 78 major Italian towns between 2014 and 2018, taking into account the waste reduction and recycling targets indicated by European circular economy strategy. We find that the Northern and Central major towns have higher efficiency than the Southern and Island towns. Moreover, efficiency is higher for more densely populated towns and towns with a higher elderly rate. Further, efficiency is higher when the average tariff applied is lower and when door-to-door collection is in force. Finally, the collection method emerges as a crucial issue in ensuring the transition toward circular economy in the urban waste sector.

The article is available online here.


grahic image: Fabio Pomini –

photo: Refhad on Unsplash