Call for papers – YSI Workshop on the Macroeconomic challenges of the green transition II

The Keynesian Working Group is happy to announce a call for papers to the YSI Workshop on the Macroeconomic challenges of the green transition II.

We invite you to submit your abstract and, later, a paper, for the Workshop hosted by the University of Pisa, Italy, on November 28-29.

The transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon economy is one of the biggest challenges of the global community today. The ecological transition requires substantial investments in new technologies and infrastructure to shift away from traditional energy sources towards renewable energy sources, as well as new forms of taxation, production, and distribution of resources. These profound structural changes will have crucial macroeconomic implications, including job losses in high-carbon industries and the creation of new green jobs in low-carbon sectors, the redistribution of income caused by carbon taxation, and impacts on trade, productivity, and economic growth. The challenges of a fair transition are even greater in the Global South, where the need to improve living standards must overcome the costs of climate damage and natural disasters in the context of changing global trade.

The Workshop will feature four speakers who will lecture on state-of-the-art research on integrated analyses of climate change, environmental transition, and macroeconomics, particularly focusing on modeling tools, integrated assessment analysis, and input-output methodologies.

The YSI Workshop Macroeconomic challenges of the green transition II is a great opportunity to bring together young researchers to present their work, receive feedback from colleagues, and discuss potential collaborations. We invite young scholars to tackle relevant policy issues on the macroeconomic implications of the transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon economy. We welcome research based on various methodological approaches, such as (but not limited to) stock-flow consistent models, input-output analysis, system dynamics, integrated-assessment models with out-of-equilibrium paths, empirical studies, among others.

More info at this link.