Elisa Giuliani, Esperta per Greenpeace – Voci per il clima


Congratulazioni a Elisa Giuliani per la sua nomina a Esperta per Voci per il clima, il network italiano promosso da Greenpeace che si batte contro il greenwashing . Voci per il clima è una rete di persone del mondo della scienza, …

Simone D’Alessandro, new EESC Advisor


Congratulations to our team member Simone D’Alessandro, who has been appointed as an Advisor for the European Economic and Social Committee’s work on: INT/1033 – Competitiveness and industry.

Paper included in Industry and Innovation Anniversary Collection


The paper “The noxious consequences of innovation: what do we know?” by Gianluca Biggi and Elisa Giuliani has been included in the Industry and Innovation 30th Anniversary Collection. To mark its 30th anniversary, Industry and Innovation has selected a collection …

New Award: Simone D’Alessandro Ricercatore del Mese


Simone D’Alessandro ha ricevuto il riconoscimento come ricercatore del mese per avere vinto due nuovi progetti Horizon Europe. Il primo progetto, WISER – Wellbeing in a Sustainable Economy Revisited, è finanziato nel quadro della call HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01 – A sustainable future for …

Best Reviewer Award for Federica Nieri


Federica Nieri has won the 2022 Business and Human Rights Journal Reviewer Award. The Business and Human Rights Journal (BHRJ) provides an authoritative platform for scholarly debate on all issues concerning the intersection of business and human rights in an …