New Publication: Are intellectual property rights working for society?


Carolina Castaldi, Elisa Giuliani, Margaret Kyle and Alessandro Nuvolari have published their new article “Are intellectual property rights working for society?” in Research Policy. Abstract Intellectual property rights (IPRs) play a key role in increasingly intangible economies. At the same …

New Publication: Bank credit loss and ESG performance


Elena Bruno, Giuseppina Iacoviello and Caterina Giannetti have published their article “Bank credit loss and ESG performance” in Finance Research Letters. Abstract We study the impact of ESGC scores on Non-performing loans (NPLs) for a sample of European listed banks …

New Teaching Grant


Giulia Romano has been awarded the teaching grant “Progetti speciali per la didattica” by the University of Pisa for her project “Azionariato critico e attivismo degli investitori in grandi aziende e utility: una leva per il cambiamento”, in collaboration with …