We are hiring two post-docs

We are opening two 3-year post doc positions (Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A, RTDA) to work with us at the Horizon Europe REBALANCE project “Rebalancing disruptive Business of multinAtional corporation and global value chAins within democratic and iNClusive citizenship processes”, funded within the framework of the call “Protecting and nurturing democracies” for the period 2022-2025. A brief description of the project is available here.
The two positions are in Management (SECS-P08) and in Political Economy (SECS-P02).
Both successful candidates are expected to be fully involved in the REBALANCE project’s activities. This is a research position that comes with some teaching duties.
Info on the call for the Management position is available here.
Info on the call for the Political Economy position is available here.
The successful candidate in Management (SECS-P/08 Economia e Gestione delle Imprese) is expected to support the REBALANCE team to work on several Work Packages. This position’s main research task involves conducting qualitative research of archival data and interviews to selected individuals. A background or interest in qualitative research in the context of business and human rights is useful. Fluency in Italian is desirable as fieldwork may have to be carried out in Italy.
The successful candidate in Political Economy (SECS-P/02 Politica economica) is expected to support the REBALANCE team to work on several Work Packages. This position’s main research task involves the creation and management of a firm-level database and empirical analyses using econometric methods for policy impact evaluation.
The host institution will be the University of Pisa in Italy (check here our research center’s website: https://remarc.ec.unipi.it/).
Interest in the project and expertise in the core areas of the project are a plus, and so is fluency in English.
For foreign applicants: please reach us out if you find the application procedure cumbersome (elisa.giuliani@unipi.it).
The deadline for applications is the 30th January 2023 at 13:00 CET.