International Workshop: Welfare recalibration and the Ecological Crisis

Welfare recalibration and the ecological crisis:
research topics, approaches and findings for a sustainable transition

Pisa, 11 November 2019, 14:00 – 18:30
Aula Magna Palazzo Boilleau, via Santa Maria, 85

Program HERE – Fyer HERE – Info Unipi Eventi HERE / QUI

International Workshop promoted by
University of Pisa, Dept. Political Science and Sciences for Peace, University of Vienna, Dept. Sociology

Theme: The growing environmental concern has led some scholars to acknowledge the role of welfare systems as part of an unsustainable growth model and to discuss the potential contradictions between increasing demands for social protection, fiscal crises, and new social risks produced by climate change and by the same policies aimed at countering it. Concepts of sustainable welfare, ecological state and eco-social policies have been elaborated to address societal needs “within ecological limits, from an intergenerational and global perspective”. As such, a recalibration of welfare will have to combine social goal with environmental and economic sustainability. To achieve this ambitious aim, welfare state systems have to face difficult dilemmas, deal with potential trade-offs, and problems of synchronization between ecological limits, social protection and employment goals.
The workshop brings together scholars from different countries, scientific networks and working across various research fields (e.g., Social Policy, Ecological Economics, Urban Studies) to discuss the current research topics, approaches, findings and develop further research perspectives and actions.

Starting Time


November 11, 2019

Ending Time


November 12, 2019



Event Participants
