Low-Carbon Transition Simulations Online Platforms

Two new, updated online platforms that simulate low-carbon transition are available online!
REMARC researchers have recently developed web tools that allow users to simulated various environmental and social policies and assess their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and income distribution.
EUROGREEN simulates the French economy transition for low-carbon. It considers the joint impact of radical environmental and social policies to asses the capacity to reach the ambitious EU emissions target while improving income distribution and employment. The research was developed by Simone D’Alessandro, Kritofer Dittmer, Tiziano Distefano and André Cieplinski and commissioned by Bas Eickhout, Philippe Lamberts, Florent Marcellesi, and Terry Reintke – Greens | EFA Group at the European Parliament.
2METE is the twin model of EUROGREEN for Italy. It was built to evaluate the environmental and social impacts of Italy’s proposed energy transition plan (link in italian) and to further understand how it could be coupled with working time reduction or a basic income policy. The model was developed by REMARC researchers Simone D’Alessandro, André Cieplinski, Tiziano Distefano and Pietro Guarnieri in collaboration with the Movimento per la Decrescita Felice.
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