IB, climate change and the energy transition
This panel is part of the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting
This panel will introduce and discuss key issues related to IB, climate change and the energy transition, and includes speakers who have long studied MNEs and environmental issues as well as emerging scholars, all of whom familiar with interdisciplinary research, while using a variety of methodologies and data sources and covering a range of industries. They will shed light on the origins and development of the themes, relying on insights from recent work and policy developments. The panel aims to inspire further research on this highly topical and societally relevant issue, and engage the audience in a conversation on the role of IB scholars.
Chair: Ans Kolk
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands, akolk@uva.nl, www.anskolk.eu
Sarianna Lundan
University of Bremen, Germany and Aalto University, Finland, s.lundan@uni-bremen.de, www.uni-bremen.de/de/img/
Francesca Ciulli
Department of Organization Studies, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, f.ciulli@tilburguniversity.edu
Elisa Giuliani
Responsible Management Research Center, Department of Economics & Management, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, elisa.giuliani@unipi.it
Irene Monasterolo
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Institute for Ecological Economics, Vienna, Austria, irene.monasterolo@wu.ac.at