RSAI-GSSI Workshop on “Regions in-between the green transition and the digital transformation”

June, 3-4, 2021, GSSI-Virtual Premises
The RSAI-GSSI Virtual Workshop on “Regions in-between the green transition and the digital transformation” is organized by the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Social Sciences Unit, in cooperation with the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and is going to be held on 3-4 June 2021.
The workshop aims at building bridges between emerging research on the green transition and the digital transformation at the regional level. It will provide academic training and stimulate debates about the extent to which the digital transformation can be harnessed by regions for the development of green technologies and the adoption of more environmentally sustainable models of development. The
workshop will also address the implications that the intersection between the two transitions (green and digital), which may lead to contrasting implications in terms of social inclusion and justice, will have on the spreading of regional and interregional inequalities. The workshop will also focus on the impact that the socio-economic shock and recession brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic could have on the unfolding of the digital and the green transitions, and on whether it has been contributing to create an overlap or a mismatch between the respective trajectories of change.
The event is addressed and open to PhD students, post-docs and early-career researchers willing to meet and exchange ideas with scholars of different fields, in particular, but not only, between regional science and transition studies, innovation studies and environmental economics, economic geography and urban studies. Presenting completed research papers is advisable, but applicants could also submit for discussion early drafts or structured proposals of their research work.

Elisa Giuliani Keynote Speech was on “From environmental conflicts to green technologies: Insights for regional development policies”

To know more about the event check here.

Starting Time


June 3, 2021

Ending Time


June 4, 2021


GSSI Virtual Premises

Event Participants
