Chiara Certomà
Chiara Certomà is Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Development (Department of Political Science, Ghent University) and affiliated to the Institute of Management (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa); the OpenSpace Research Centre (Open University, Milton Keynes); and the Earth System Governance Research Network (Lund University). She has a PhD in Human Rights from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (2009), where she is also a research fellow (2014-2017).
Chiara researches in the fields of Environmental Politics, Critical theory and Development Studies. She is interested in the business’ commitment toward socio-environmental issues, the contribution of NGOs & Civil Society Organizations to the elaboration of Political Ecology frameworks and the emergence of environmental justice and conflicts.
Her work has been published in several international journals (including Planning Theory, Environment and Planning D, Local Environment, Geographiska Annaler B), and in monographic or collaborative books on socio-environmental sustainability (edited by Palgrave, Springer, Routledge and Sage). She has been an invited guest professor at BOKU University in Vienna (2016) and visiting researcher at The Open University – Geography Department, UK (2007), at Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU, Germany (2012) and at Ghent University, Belgium (2013). As adjunct professor, Chiara has been lecturing on Cultural Geography (2013-2017); Sustainability Theory (2011-2012) and Development Studies (2017).
She works in connection with the International Business and Human Rights focus area.