Giulia Romano
Giulia Romano is a research assistant at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa and part of the Horizon Europe REBALANCE project. Prior to this position she has been a freelance consultant dealing with Corporate Social Responsibility, by collaborating with multinational enterprises in the high fashion sector (e.g. Gucci, Stella McCartney, Jimmy Choo) and managing projects relating to the socio-environmental sustainability of supply chains.
Research interests
Recently Giulia has been collaborating with the University of Pisa within a research project tackling human rights violations linked to the activities of large companies operating in emerging economies, with the University Unitelma Sapienza in Rome as lecturer within the Course “Vulnerability and Sustainability in the Glocal Society” and with the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa within the coordination of the Master in Human Rights and Conflict Management.
Furthermore, in 2019, she has been coordinating the Project “BESIDE – Business Inclusion Development” funded by the Tuscany Region aimed at raising awareness and involve businesses on the issues of inclusive business, international development cooperation and sustainability linked to the UN Agenda 2030.
Giulia holds a Master degree in International Sciences and a Bachelor degree in Social Sciences for International Development Cooperation from the University of Siena. In 2018 she attended the first edition of the Summer School Business & Human Rights at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa and, more recently, she had the opportunity to attend important international events such as the United Nations Forum on Business & Human Rights (26-28 November 2018, Geneva), the OECD Forum Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector (13-14 February 2019, Paris) and the International Cooperation Fair EXCO (15-17 May 2019, Rome).